Dental Services_WHT_root canal

Tooth Extractions

A painful toothache can keep you up at night and make you dread everyday activities. Still, many people live with the pain instead of seeking professional help. However, a toothache is often a sign of a more serious issue. At West Brazos Dental Center Brazoria, we make tooth extractions worry-free. We have been offering dental services including tooth extractions to Brazoria, Texas, and the surrounding area for over 30 years. We use state-of-the-art equipment to provide your family with top-quality dental care with comfort and peace of mind.

Tooth Extractions Q & A

Why You Might Need Tooth Extractions

When a tooth is decayed or damaged beyond repair, tooth extraction may be needed. Also if a tooth begins to infect or damage the surrounding teeth, it will need to be removed. Here are several reasons a tooth extraction may be necessary:

  • Disease
  • Decay
  • Infection that begins to spread
  • A weakened tooth begins to threaten other teeth.
  • Teeth that keep other teeth from a healthy and natural eruption.
  • Crowded teeth
  • Impacted or stuck teeth
  • Wisdom teeth

Of course, wisdom teeth are the most widely known teeth extractions. These molars are the final teeth to erupt and can cause a lot of other issues.

Regardless of which procedure is needed for tooth extraction, you can count on the team at West Brazos Dental Center.

How are Tooth Extractions Done?

There are two main types of tooth extraction performed, depending on the damage or issue of the tooth. Tooth extractions are either simple extractions or surgical extractions.

If the tooth is visible, it is a simple extraction. A local anesthetic will be used to numb the area and bring comfort to the patient. If you have any dental anxiety, we can also use oral conscious sedation to relax you. the dentist will place a long, thin tool called an elevator to help pry the tooth free. After the tooth has been loosened, the doctor will take forceps and remove the tooth.

If the tooth is not visible, impacted, or has some severe damage along the gumline, the doctor will do a surgical extraction. In this case, the patient will again be given an oral local anesthetic. Once the area is numbed the dentist will make a tiny incision to reach the tooth. Our experienced staff at will take special care to be sure the tooth is gently extracted and the patient is able to stay comfortable, calm, and relaxed. The whole procedure is very common. Our staff works to make sure you are able to go through the procedure in comfort. We also are here to answer questions or concerns and to provide comprehensive consultations and information.

Preparing for the Procedure with Well Informed Precautions

Being prepared and knowledgeable is important for any procedure. The experienced staff at West Brazos Dental Center Brazoria can answer any questions you have about tooth extractions. You can simply stop by or call us at 979-798-9103.

Here are a few things you will need to consider before you have a tooth extraction:

  • Make sure you list all the medications you are currently taking. Some medications, like bisphosphonates taken for osteoporosis, create a greater chance of damage or decay in your teeth.
  • Inform your dentist of any chemotherapy you may have recently had. Chemotherapy can greatly weaken your immune system and could put you at risk for other complications. Consult your dentist and you can come up with a plan for your dental care during this time.
  • If you are a smoker, be sure to completely refrain from smoking for at least a whole 24 hours before the procedure. Smoking before the procedure increases the chances of dry socket occurring.

Sit Back and Relax, You’re in Great Hands

For over 30 years our staff has offered excellent dental services for the surrounding area, including  Bay City, Brazoria, Angleton, Danbury, Needville, Sweeny, and Lake Jackson. When you’ve found the right dentist, you can sit back and relax in comfort. West Brazos Dental Center Brazoria offers compassionate care for your entire family. If you are experiencing tooth loss, decay, damage, or pain, don’t hesitate to call us today at 979-798-9103. We’ll help you get rid of those aches and bring your smile back to life.

Tuesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Wednesday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Thursday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Tuesday: Dr. Riley

Wednesday: Dr. Riley

Thursday: Dr. Agrawal

Friday: Dr. Agrawal
